Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Emily Ropp Butt

Grand Rapids, MI – Since January, delegate elections have been taking place at UPS as part of the Teamsters union international election cycle. This convention and election cycle are critical because Teamsters members who work at UPS are fired up after the imposition of the previous contract. UPS Teamsters had voted to reject the contract, but were overridden by Teamsters leadership under Hoffa, who used a little-known antiquated rule to override the will of the members.


By Gage Lacharite

Tampa, FL – On March 7, Dennis Taylor, chief negotiator for Teamster contract negotiations with UPS, announced that local supplements for Detroit Local 243 and Western Pennsylvania would be forced through. This spits in the face of a resounding no vote from UPS Teamsters. Just days earlier, votes came in showing that UPS Teamsters in Detroit and Western Pennsylvania had rejected their local supplements by a staggering 88.3% and 96.4% respectively.


By staff

Jacksonville, FL – In response to massive concessions, UPSers in Western and Upstate New York widely rejected their contract supplement by over 65%, with over 46% turnout, on February 5. Members rejected this proposal outright in the face of pressure by the national leadership and promises of retroactive paychecks coming sooner. However, in a repeat of the national UPS contract, Teamster President Hoffa used the 2/3 loophole to impose the supplement anyway. This loophole allegedly allows Hoffa to require either 2/3 rejection of the contract or at least 50% turnout. Four more UPS supplements still have to be voted on in Central Pennsylvania, Western Pennsylvania, Metro Detroit and Local 804 in New York City.


By Daniel Ginsberg

Chicago, IL – Workers fighting back against economic inequality have something to be hopeful about. One of the largest and most powerful unions in the country, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, will begin mailing ballots early October for members to decide the next general president. Those fighting against concessions to employers and looking for a stronger worker movement are uniting behind Fred Zuckerman and the Teamsters United slate, hoping to unseat long-standing General President James P. Hoffa, Jr.


By staff

Las Vegas, NV – The International Brotherhood of Teamsters began the second day of its 29th convention today in Las Vegas. Nominations for Trustees and At Large Vice Presidents occurred immediately. In order to be nominated a candidate must receive the vote of at least 5% of the delegates. This is an important part of the convention because the candidates that are successfully nominated run in an election this fall in which all Teamsters will vote to determine the union’s national leadership.


By staff

International Brotherhood of Teamsters Convention opens this week.

Las Vegas, Nev. – Teamster President James P. Hoffa has decided to spend millions of dollars in union members’ dues money to showcase himself at the International convention which opened June 27 in Las Vegas. Hoffa demands that delegates wear red vests to show loyalty to his presidency as he seeks another five-year term in office.


By Redacción

María Martinez es una heroína de la clase trabajadora. Emergió de una huelga de 5 semanas de duración en contra de la empresa Iowa Beef Processing (IBP) como la clara lideresa de las bases del local 556 del Sindicato de Camioneros (Teamsters) en el este del estado de Washington. Esto sucedio principalmente porque luchó no solo en contra de la gerencia sino también en contra de la 'vieja guardia' del liderato de su propio sindicato.

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By staff

International Teamster President James P. Hoffa is in trouble. He is discredited because of his lies and his complete inability to deliver for rank-and-file Teamsters. During his last run for president of the union, Hoffa claimed that he would not raise union dues. Hoffa lied. After he won he said he had to raise dues to negotiate strong contracts. His slogan was, “Five cents an hour for Teamster power.”


By Kathy Kleckner

With just 30 percent of all Teamsters voting, Jimmy Hoffa, Jr., was elected president of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters. He got fewer votes than when he ran and lost the election in 1996. Hoffa, Jr., will be in office two years before the post is up for election again.


By staff

Chicago, IL – Christine Royster, candidate for International Vice President of the Teamsters, gave the following talk at a Fight Back! Forum in Chicago for Black History Month. Royster is also a key leader in the battle to turn around the 12,000-member Local 743, one of Chicago's largest Teamster locals.