Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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Phoenix, AZ – Thousands have gathered in downtown Phoenix to protest the presence of xenophobic President Trump. Led by the immigrant rights organization Puente, organizations have poured into the capital to refuse Trump’s pardon of the notorious Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Arpaio is infamous for his enthusiastic and vicious implementation of Arizona’s racist, anti-immigrant SB1070. Recently, Arpaio was found guilty of contempt of court by a federal judge and faces up to six months in prison – unless he receives a pardon from Trump.


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Eloy, AZ – 200 detenidos iniciaron este sábado una huelga de hambre en el centro de detención Eloy, centro de detención administrado con fines de lucro por Corrections Corporation of America (CCA por sus siglas en ingles). Los detenidos organizaron la huelga de hambre como respuesta a la reciente muerte de dos detenidos, debido al excesivo uso de fuerzas por parte de los guardias. Inmediatamente después, CCA y ICE tomaron represalias contra los huelguistas, manteniéndolos bajo el sol por seis horas sin agua y sujetos a temperaturas superiores a los 100 grados. Las personas que se encontraban protestando afuera de las instalaciones tuvieron que llamar a los servicios de emergencias para prevenir deshidratación e insolación. Sin embargo, estos llegaron 4 horas después de que se iniciara la huelga y CCA les prohibió acceso a los huelguistas. CCA y ICE también son culpables de amenazar a todo aquel que participe en la huelga con 3 meses de detención solitaria.

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Phoenix, AZ – 200 immigrant detainees began a hunger strike on June 13, at the for-profit Eloy Detention Center run by the Corrections Corporation of America (CCA). The hunger strike is in response to two recent deaths of detainees at the hands of guards who are believed to have used excessive force.


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Bertha Hernandez's children lead protest to "Bring Mom home, free Bertha now."

Phoenix, AZ – Thunderous voices of more than 120 people echoed through Phoenix on May 29 as protesters marched to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) office, demanding the release of Bertha Hernandez and an end to deportations of undocumented immigrants. Students, counselors and teachers from Carl Hayden High School joined immigrant rights activists in the streets to protest the detention of Hernandez and other immigrants.