Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

tracy molm

By staff

Flyer for MN Committee to Stop FBI Repression action

Activists in cities across the U.S. are planning for events and protests during the week of Nov. 29-Dec. 3 to stop the Grand Jury witch hunt against anti-war and international solidarity organizers.


By staff

Sarah, Anh and Tracy have done nothing wrong. We cannot let them go to jail for us

Tracy Molm speaking at November 18 press conference

Minneapolis, MN – About 40 people gathered at the Federal Building here, Nov. 18 for a press conference and picket in response to moves by Illinois U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald to bring three Twin Cites anti-war and international solidarity activists – Tracy Molm, Anh Pham and Sarah Martin – before a grand jury.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – Three well-known Twin Cities anti-war and international solidarity activists, Tracy Molm, Anh Pham, and Sarah Martin have received word from the U.S. Attorney’s Office that that they will be called to appear in front of a Chicago Grand Jury.