Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Joe Iosbaker

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Moscow, Russia – One of the largest circulation newspapers in the world is Stars and Stripes, produced by the U.S. Department of Defense. On Dec. 10, it ran an article about the latest anti-Russian war game held by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). The article, titled “NATO Land Command Fully Operational, Says Commander” cites Lt. General John Nicholson and declares this “NATO’s largest training exercise since the end of the Cold War.” NATO was created as an anti-Soviet military alliance of U.S. and it’s junior partners.


By Joe Iosbaker

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Moscow, Russia -One of the largest circulation newspapers in the world is Stars and Stripes, produced by the U.S. Department of Defense. On Dec. 10, it ran an article about the latest anti-Russian war game held by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). The article, titled “NATO Land Command Fully Operational, Says Commander” cites Lt. General John Nicholson and declares this “NATO’s largest training exercise since the end of the Cold War.” NATO was created as an anti-Soviet military alliance of U.S. and it’s junior partners.


By staff

Ukrainian American reactionaries outside Chicago forum on U.S./NATO role in the

Chicago, IL – Under attack from aggressive Ukrainian fascists, 40 anti-war activists held a teach-in here on the unfolding Ukraine crisis and NATO expansion, April 12. An equal sized crowd of Ukrainian reactionaries, one carrying the battle flag of the fascist Ukrainian Insurgent Army and another man wearing a scarf bearing the insignia of the violent neo-Nazi Right Sector, attempted to push their way into the door of the union hall during the speakers’ presentations.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from communist and workers parties opposing the planned war on Syria. Freedom Road Socialist Organization in among the signers.


By staff

U.S. troops arrived in Turkey, Jan. 4, where they will be a part of the NATO force running six Patriot missiles near the border with Syria. This marks a new escalation of the U.S. and Western powers’ intervention to destroy Syria’s progressive government.


By United National Antiwar Coalition

The United States and other western powers are intervening on a large scale in Syria with the aim of overthrowing Syria’s progressive government. Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the United National Antiwar Coalition:


By staff

Carlos Montes at LA protest against U.S. intervention in Syria, Iran.

Los Angeles, CA – Several hundred people joined a spirited rally at the Westwood Federal Building, June 30, to demand “No U.S./NATO wars on Syria or Iran.” Several groups joined the International Action Center-initiated rally, including Arab Americans for Syria, who brought families to the rally to denounce the CIA supported terrorist attacks on the people of Syria. Several groups spoke, such as Bayan USA, International League of Peoples Struggles – U.S. (Los Angeles), Southern California Immigration Coalition and Latinos Against War.


By staff

Chicago protest against U.S. war on Syria.

Chicago, IL – “Not another Libya! Hands off Syria!” chanted the crowd as they picketed against war June 26. The protesters mobilized in response to the events of recent days, such as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s lie about Russia sending attack helicopters and then Turkey’s convening of a NATO meeting after a Turkish fighter jet was shot down over Syrian territory.


By Tom Burke

Grand Rapids, MI – Anti-war activists held a May Day rally against the U.S.-led NATO war in Afghanistan. Twenty protesters gathered near the Union Soldier monument downtown chanting “No to NATO, end the war now!” Everyone held signs, “No to NATO, bring the troops home now!” or “End the U.S. war in Afghanistan, no to NATO!”


By staff

23 arrested in effort to stop clinic closing

Protest to stop clinic closing

Chicago, IL – The Mental Health Movement is fighting Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s plans to close six clinics this month. On April 12, at 4:00 p.m., 30 people chained the doors shut and erected barricades. Over 100 unionized nurses and community members, including patients and members of Occupy Chicago, formed lines in front of the doors. “Health care is a right!” chanted the crowd.