Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Eric Gardner

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Los Angeles, CA – Student protests continued across California, Nov. 20, in the wake of the heavily-protested decision of the University of California (UC) regents to raise undergraduate tuition by a staggering 32%.


By Josh Sykes

Fight Back! is circulating the following editorial written by Josh Sykes for the Student Commission of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization .


By staff

Carlos Montes, front, second from left, with actors of Walkout

Walkout is the new HBO film about the famous East Los Angeles school walkouts in March, 1968. Thousands of Chicano students stayed away from school over two weeks to protest the racist school conditions, high dropout rate, overcrowded conditions, lack of books etc. The demands were for bilingual education, Chicano studies, hiring of Chicano teachers and administrators, better facilities, new schools, an end to the high dropout rate, an end to tracking students into the manual arts and in support of more college prep classes. The walkouts resulted in many victories and reforms to the Los Angeles school district.


By George Iechika McKinney

More than 75,000 grocery workers on strike in southern California are on the front lines of a battle to defend health care and job security. The United Food and Commercial Workers have been on strike or locked out by their employers since Oct. 12, 2003.


By Carlos Montes

The new book, Crusade for Justice, Chicano Militancy, by Ernesto B. Vigil, is a major contribution to U.S. and Chicano history. The University of Wisconsin Press edition, released May 1999, tells the history of the Crusade for Justice (CFJ) and its militants' struggles for Chicano Liberation in the late 1960s and 1970s.


By Joe Iosbaker

SEIU's Stern 'Trustees' California Local

The trade union bureaucrats in SEIU (Service Employees International Union) are moving to crush the California local that refused to sell out.