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News and Views from the People's Struggle

bolivarian revolution

By Sean Orr

Venezuelans march to demand an end to the blockade.

Chicago, IL – On August 6, U.S. National Security Advisor John Bolton attended a gathering of representatives from the right-wing governments of Latin America. There, he announced the next stage in the U.S. campaign to defeat the Bolivarian Revolution: A total blockade of Venezuela. All U.S. citizens are banned from doing business with “the Maduro regime,” and any company – U.S. or international – that does business with the Venezuelan government will be subject to fines, asset seizures and sanctions. While the announcement did not include the immediate deployment of the U.S. Navy to enforce the blockade, Bolton hinted that the option remained on the table if foreign companies and governments did not comply.


By Sean Orr

Tom Burke, FRSO Organization Secretary speaking to trade unionists in Venezuela

Caracas, Venezuela – On July 26, the delegation from the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) participated in a gathering of trade unionists from around the world with the leaders of the Central of Bolivarian Socialist Workers (CBST), the largest labor federation in Venezuela.


By Communist Party of Venezuela

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The following statement was published today, March 5, by the Communist Party of Venezuela and was written by Freddy Subdiaga, a Party leader in the state of Anzoátegui. The statement was written in Spanish and translated by Fight Back! staff.


By Redacción

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San Salvador, El Salvador – Cientos de salvadoreños se concentraron este 21 de febrero en la Plaza Salvador del Mundo para expresar su solidaridad con la revolución bolivariana de Venezuela y el gobierno de Nicolás Maduro. Los participantes, convocados por los comités de solidaridad con Cuba, portaban banderas y carteles mostrando su oposición a la intervención militar de Estados Unidos en Venezuela. Venezuela está enfrentando una amenaza inminente de intervención militar estadounidense como parte de un atentado de golpe de estado orquestado por el gobierno de Trump para imponer un líder pro imperialista en el país con una riqueza enorme de petróleo. Debido a la sangrienta historia de intervenciones militares de Estados Unidos en varios países latinoamericanos, muchos movimientos populares, a través de todo el continente americano, están solidarizándose con Venezuela y con su promesa de resistir la intervención imperialista de EEUU.

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#SanSalvadorElSalvador #SanSalvador #ElSalvador #Venezuela #PeoplesStruggles #BolivarianRevolution #Americas

By staff

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San Salvador, El Salvador – Hundreds of Salvadorans rallied February 21 at the Salvador del Mundo Plaza to express solidarity with the Venezuelan Bolivarian revolution and with the government of Nicolás Maduro. At the rally, which was called by Cuba solidarity committees in El Salvador, people carried Venezuelan and Cuban flags and signs showing opposing U.S. military intervention in Venezuela. Venezuela is facing the imminent threat of U.S. military intervention as part of an attempted coup orchestrated by the Trump administration to impose a pro-imperialist leader in the oil rich country. Due to the bloody history of U.S. military intervention in many Latin American countries, movements throughout the Americas are standing up in solidarity with Venezuela as they vow to resist U.S. imperialist intervention.

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#SanSalvadorElSalvador #SanSalvador #ElSalvador #Venezuela #PeoplesStruggles #BolivarianRevolution #Americas

By Sean Orr

President Maduro (center)

Chicago, IL – One week ago, on January 23, a new stage in the Bolivarian Revolution began. The U.S. government and its lackey regimes in Latin America, the so-called “Lima Group,” broke international law and ignored the Venezuelan Constitution by declaring Juan Guaidó – leader of the far-right People's Will Party – the legitimate president of Venezuela, and pompously demanding Nicolás Maduro's resignation.


By Sean Orr

Steel and iron workers in Bolívar State gather to make proposals for the Constit

Milwaukee, WI – Venezuela has been in the news lately. For the first time in decades, the threat of war between the United States and a Latin American country hangs over our hemisphere.


By Sean Orr

Milwaukee, WI – An understanding of Bolivarian Venezuela is critical for revolutionaries in the U.S. Alongside Cuba, it is the strongest enemy of U.S. imperialism in the Western Hemisphere, and is on the short list of countries with which the Trump administration is openly threatening war. This alone is reason enough for Marxist-Leninists in the U.S. to want to understand Venezuela and stand in solidarity with its people. Their ability to defeat the reactionary efforts of the American monopoly capitalists is an inspiration for all of us who wish to see a world without imperialism.


By staff

On Oct. 28 and 29, the 7th National Meeting of Revolutionary Organizations was held in Caracas, an effort by Revolutionary Anti-Imperialist People’s Unity (UPRA) to build unity among the Bolivarian revolutionary organizations. The gathering happened in the context of ongoing efforts to deepen the Bolivarian Revolution inside the National Constituent Assembly (ANC), to deal with an increasingly violent reactionary opposition, as well as threats of imperialist violence from the Trump administration. Below is the political declaration released by the gathering:


By staff

In the Oct. 15 regional elections, Venezuela’s Bolivarian Revolution secured a major victory against the far-right opposition, winning 17 out of 23 governor seats – with one still undecided. States like Lara and Miranda, which had long been dominated by the bourgeois parties, were secured by the United Socialist Party (PSUV). Voter turnout, over 61%, was the highest turnout for governor elections in over a decade.