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Arizona educators vote to strike

By Jim Byrne

Tucson, AZ – With over 57,000 votes from across the state, 78% over education workers voted April 19 in favor of a walk out. This historic vote comes on the heels of a proposal from Governor Doug Ducey to fund the demand of a 20% raise by using monies from health care programs, the arts, and programs for the developmentally disabled. This vote is a rejection of Ducey’s lackluster effort to listen to the raging #RedForEd movement.

Plans for the coming week include three straight days of walk-ins before school and the walk-out day of Thursday, April 26.

Arizona has been the testing ground for many reactionary policies – like the infamous SB1070, which legalized racial profiling, and HB2281, which targeted Mexican American Studies. The state also allows an annual $14 billion in tax breaks for corporations; the ten-year drop in corporate income tax has resulted in a $2.5 billion shortfall of public schools’ funds.

Educators will continue to build community support and capacity to support students for when the strike hits. Many will model their efforts off the lessons shared by West Virginia educators, whose nine-day strike inspired a prairie fire of educator actions.

#TucsonAZ #strike #Strikes #DougDucey #TeachersUnions #RedforEd