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Milwaukee Students Stand Against Racism

By Kas Schwerdtfeger

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Milwaukee, WI – Over 100 students marched and took over the chancellor's office at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Oct. 29, to demand the resignation of racist student senator Kyle Duerstein. The rally was put together by the newly-formed coalition Students Equalizing Rights Forever.

The protest centered around the racist comments made by speaker of the senate of student government, Kyle Duerstein.

“The whole student body needs to be outraged…this is not a black issue or a feminist issue, it is an equality issue,” says rally organizer and vice-president of Students Equalizing Rights Forever Angela Lang. “The campus is now being polarized and as a result there is a growing movement combating racism and sexism.”

Vice-chancellor Luljack released a statement to local news claiming the comments as “freedom of speech,” while asking that students treat each other with “respect and dignity.”

The rally included speakers from the Black Student Union, the Black Graduate Student Association, Students for a Democratic Society and State Senator Lena Taylor, herself a University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee alumnae.

Standing in front of a stunned administration, speakers demanded an immediate removal of Duerstein – who is paid $6300 a year from student tuition for his position in student government – from office. Also demanded was for the administration to make a strong public statement opposing Duerstein's comments.

“Who does the university, the student government, the administration, work for?” asked Black Student Union President Clint Myrick. We'll find out.

#MilwaukeeWI #StudentsForADemocraticSociety #SDS #UniversityOfWisconsinMilwaukee