Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

The WFTU supports the struggle of the French working class

By World Federation of Trade Unions

Striking French workers march.

Fight Back News is circulating the following May 23 statement from the World Federation of Trade Unions.

The WFTU expresses its indignation against the forced evacuation of oil storage facilities and its full solidarity with all workers in France, who are fighting against the law “travail” of the Social-Democratic government of François Hollande.

The WFTU expresses its full and fraternal support to its affiliate, the FNIC- CGT, which strengthens the struggle of workers until the withdrawal of this unacceptable draft law.

The government’s decision is to pass the law at all costs, serving the interests of the capital, shows that the working class, workers must have no illusions about the role of government, if it is a social-democratic government or a liberal government.

The only way for the working class is to strengthen the class-oriented trade unions, to be organized against the attacks of the capitalists.

The WFTU and its affiliated trade-unions in France will give all their strength to organise the working class of France against the “travail” law and any other attack against the workers.

The Secretariat

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