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Minneapolis protest says ‘No U.S. war in Korea’

By staff

Minneapolis protest against war with DPRK.

Minneapolis, MN – Over 40 people joined a Minneapolis protest on August 11 to speak out against the growing danger of a new U.S. war in Korea.

The protest, initiated by the Minnesota Peace Action Coalition (MPAC) was organized with two days’ notice as the Trump administration escalated its war threats against north Korea.

A statement issued by organizers said in part, “This week President Trump and his administration have made serious threats of launching an attack on north Korea. We believe that time may be short to speak out against the danger of a new U.S. war. The voice of the people must intervene before the warmakers in Washington unleash a new war.”

The statement went on to say, “For north Korea, years of massive U.S. military maneuvers can only be seen as a threat. North Korea (DPRK), through its rocket and military development programs, has been acting in response to U.S. military exercises on its border that simulate nuclear attacks and assassination campaigns. North Korea has said it is willing to stop testing missiles if the U.S. stops its military exercises. The U.S. must negotiate, not escalate!”

The protest was endorsed by Anti-War Committee, Mayday Books, St. Joan of Arc Peacemakers, St. Paul Eastside Neighbors for Peace, Twin Cities Peace Campaign, Veterans for Peace, Women Against Military Madness and others.

A number of anti-war protests have been called in cities around the country to speak out against the U.S. war moves.

Stephanie Taylor of the Anti-War Committee told the crowd, “We need to act now to oppose the demonization of north Korea and its leaders. Rationally defending your country against the U.S. who has been trying to destroy your country for decades is not crazy, it is sane. We need to push back against the U.S. being the world’s policemen and calling the shots on what other countries should be able to determine for themselves. North Korea hasn’t provoked this war.”

Alan Dale, a member of MPAC said, “The protest this afternoon is part of building a powerful anti-war response to the war moves of Trump and the Pentagon.”

At the conclusion of the protest, future anti-war events were announced, including plans for a Minneapolis protest on Saturday, October 7 to mark 16 years since the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan, under the call of “Stop Endless U.S. Wars.”

#MinneapolisMN #AntiwarMovement #Korea #PeoplesStruggles #Trump #DonaldTrump