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MN Welfare Rights Committee at Governor’s mansion: “increase the welfare grants now!”

By staff

Protesters tell Dayton to quit giving money to billionaires

Kids tell Governor Dayton to raise the welfare grants

St Paul, MN – Members and supporters of the Welfare Rights Committee (WRC) protested July 10 in front of Governor Dayton’s mansion to demand that he act now to raise the welfare grants in Minnesota. As things stand, about 70,000 Minnesota children are living in extreme poverty.

A statement from protest organizers stated, “The Welfare Rights Committee calls for Gov. Dayton to raise the welfare grants, so Minnesota families can get the help they need during these economic downturns. With 70,000 children living in extreme poverty, our children need help now! Tell Gov. Dayton to stop giving money to billionaires.”

The WRC’s Lena Buggs said, “The Welfare Rights Committee hosted a protest for our ‘Raise the Grants’ campaign to highlight the stories of real people in Minnesota who are living in extreme poverty. Welfare Rights hopes their experiences will spur the much needed course of action for Gov. Dayton to take immediate steps for people who are still struggling living in poverty.”

Kim DeFranco of the Welfare Rights Committee states, “It has been 27 years since welfare [MFIP] grants were last increased in the state of Minnesota. While the Welfare Rights Committee was victorious in getting a small increase through the 2013 legislative session, the politicians delayed the increase until 2015. Our kids can’t wait that long!”

The WRC’s Ebony Harris says, “The politicians said there wasn’t money to increase the grants in 2013, but they managed to find over $26 million to give to billionaire Vikings owner Zygi Wilf. This is an insult and an outrage.”

Some of the protesters in front of the Governor’s mansion

#SaintPaulMN #PoorPeoplesMovements #WelfareRightsCommittee #GovernorMarkDayton