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More than 1000 people in Tucson hit the streets to protest Muslim ban

By staff

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More than 1000 people came out to protest in front of Senator McCain’s office in downtown Tucson, Jan. 31, to protest Trump’s latest executive action banning many Muslims from entering the country. Although the protest was spontaneously organized through Facebook by community members, given the recent nationwide outrage against Trump’s latest attacks against immigrants, Muslims and refugees, people from all backgrounds answered the call for mobilization.

One of the speakers who took the mic to address the crowd was local organizer and outspoken immigrant rights advocate, Zaira Livier, who said, “Now, what we know of this new regime is that within the first 11 days in power, they have declared war on Muslims, Native Americans, Mexicans, on LGBTQ, on women, on African Americans, on science, on climate, on facts, and on the checks and balances in place to regulate their power. The Muslim ban wasn’t written to stop illegal immigration, it was written to detain and deport immigrants who have already gone through the vetting process and who either held a visa or a green card. Brothers and sisters, we must be vigilant. We must not get discouraged and we must not desist not even for a day.”

#TucsonAZ #ImmigrantRights #US #PeoplesStruggles #Elections #MuslimBan